Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dilbert On Technical Writers

Is this what it's like in your company?

'nuf said.

Crazy Conference Calls

Tech writers are involved in their share of conference calls, often as observers who watch the craziness and obsurdities.

Here is a favorite of mine, showing the Dilbert-esque goings on of a lot of conference calls. It's funny because it's true.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Technical Writer Humor: #1

Finally, strong evidence that technical writers have a sense of humor when they write documentation.

Here is an image from instruction manual for a vacuum cleaner:

It is actually a great way to use humor and psychology to get an instruction across.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bad Error Messages (which isn't usually so funny)

Take a look at Scott Nesbitt's "rant" about his bad error messages from Amazon:

Here's an example of the message:

Monday, September 5, 2011

More 404 Errors

As promised, more links to cool, nice-written 404 errors:

Finally, some tips for writing a good 404 ("good" means one that will ease some of the frustration the user is feeling at this moment):

And here's one I created for a project called Columbus:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

404 Error Gets a 10

Who is the technical writer who got to create this 404 error?

Actually, I love a good 404 errors, and tomorrow I'll send a link to a bunch of good and funny ones. Here's one from a Web site Klariti.com (clever spelling), a business development and marketing strategy company for small businesses:

Click on the picture for a larger copy:

Accepting Reality (except for this)

With all the spellcheckers and grammar checkers, sometimes really stupid mistakes get through. Like this one, which shows the author didn't know the difference between "accept" and "except". (To be honest, I consitently mix up "there", "their" and "they're".)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Preety Woman ... Ugly Spelling

It's one thing to misspell a word because it sounds different from it's spelling (lite vs. light, or imig vs. image), but there's a lot of Israeli signs that misspell words because they try to spell according to the way THEY say the word with THEIR accent.

Case in point: